As of Wednesday, March 19
the store is closed.

Thanks for your support of Peace Full Ground!

I am not sure what is next for me. Once I've wrapped up all the closing tasks I plan to
add content to the website. It will be focused on natural health and healing.
Please come back in April to see what's new!  — Heidi

Statements made on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The content is intended for informational and 
educational purposes only and should be treated accordingly. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice of your physician or other healthcare professional.

Peace Full Ground
7610 N. State St.

Lowville, NY 13367
Phone: 315-775-8292


Connect with Peace Full Ground


Copyrights © 2023 held by respective copyright holders, including Heidi VanZandt.