"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant." ― Robert Louis Stevenson

What do you think of when you hear the term self- care?

According to the National Institutes of Health, self-care means taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both your physical health and mental health.

There are many activities you can engage in to take care of yourself physically and emotionally. Set time aside every day to engage in some form of self care, even if it’s only for 5 minutes.

Self Care Practices
Meditation is a great way to quiet your mind and bring inner peace.

If you haven’t meditated before, guided meditation may work the best to help you get started. Use an app such as The Tapping Solution, Calm, and Head Space, or use You Tube videos. Search Guided Meditation and choose whichever one you like.

It will likely be hard for you to sit still and settle your mind at first. Just like anything else, the more you practice the easier it will become.

Fingertip tapping applies pressure to energy hot spots to restore balance to your body’s energy. Restoring this energy balance is believed to relieve symptoms caused by a negative experience or emotion.

It can be used to reduce stress and anxiety, support sleep, build confidence, etc. For more info click HERE.

Tapping is part of my morning routine. I pick a topic, in the Tapping Solution app, based on how I’m feeling and tap away. Some sessions are as short as 3 minutes. There’s even a tapping into meditation session which helps quiet your mind leading into meditating.

Deep Breathing
Do you breathe from the abdomen or the chest? Check it out. Most likely you breathe from the chest. Begin to breathe through your abdomen.

Abdominal breathing can create a sense of calm and it provides more oxygen to energize your body. It is an effective way to deal with stress and anxiety.

Intentional breathing is a great practice because you can use it anywhere at anytime. No one will even know you are doing it. There are many breathing techniques. Try this one. Breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds. Hold your breath for 4 seconds. Exhale through your nose for 4 seconds.

This technique may also help you fall asleep by quieting your mind.

Water can be used to cleanse your aura, the energy field that flows through and around you. Your aura can get weak for several reasons including picking up on someone else’s negative energy and emotions.

Release negative energy in a warm to cool temperature shower. Why use warm or cool water? Hot water may cause energy loss. When you’re in the shower visualize any and all negativity being washed away as the water washes over your body. See it going down the drain as you are being cleansed. Imagine positive energy flowing through you and negative energy being washed away.

Or take an Epsom Salt Bath. Measure out 1 cup of epsom salts. Mix in a few drops of eucalyptus, lavender, sage, or sandalwood essential oil. The essential oil will help facilitate the release of toxins from the body.

Be sure to read the next blog post for more self-care ideas.

Commit to making self-care part of your daily routine. For help getting started, use my 14 Days of Self-Love program. After 14 days you’ll be well on your way to creating a new self-care habit.

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Note: There may be affiliate links in this post. • I am not a doctor. All information is for educational use only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional.


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